Local Leak Testing
Reduction Studies

These studies are reviews to optimize a site’s local leakage rate testing program. The resources required for Type B and C testing can be minimized while at the same time retaining a safe and effective program in full compliance with all applicable regulations.

This is achieved by:
Reducing the number of Type B or C tests.
Taking credit for water filled systems, water sealed systems and closed loops can greatly reduce the number of type B and C tests required to be performed.
Reduction in the number of As-Found tests required.
Getting maximum advantage out of increased test intervals requires the proper definition of repairs and adjustments as well as maintenance/testing schedule coordination.
Optimization of administrative limits and total allowable leakage rate.
The values chosen for administrative limits as well as the methodology for the conversion between units of %/day to slpm or scfh may both be optimized.
Use of equivalent flow rate conversions between water and air.
The use of conversions from air to water is currently allowed and can reduce some high-pressure water testing. The conversions from water to air is allowed in the new revision of ANS 56.8 and allows for on-line quantification of Appendix J leakage rates where no Type C testing is possible.
Increasing the intervals between Type B and C tests.
Option B to Appendix J as well as the most recent revisions to NEI 94-01 allow for significant extensions in Type B and C test intervals.
Minimizing time and labor needed for individual tests.
Reductions may be achieved by examining testing methodology such as the venting and draining practices and valve line-ups.
Increased on-line testing.
Moving some carefully chosen Type B and C tests from the outage to on-line testing can reduce outage workload and time.